On July 23 I flew to San Francisco, and Sean picked me up from the airport (reunited and it felt soooo good!)and whisked me back to our glorious digs in Pete & Sarah Goldie's basement. It was surreal being back in SF. Everything seemed fresh, peeled back, exposed. And so damn pretty. I think complaining is San Francisco's official sport. Ridiculous. One of the most amazing things about travel is how it feels to come home. Sean had been back for longer than I, so he'd glazed over a bit, but it was still odd for both of us. I was exhausted, and I think I just collapsed after a good dinner. I don't actually remember. What I DO remember is how brilliant his play was the next night. The actors did a beautiful job at the reading. I only wish they could have had more than one night. I took some blurry pictures that don't do it any justice but here are a few:
We both had a lot to pack in before leaving town on Friday for The Big Wedding in The Mountains (Mason Carroll & Melissa Craven!). I squeezed in visits with friends, a trip to my old office to say hi to Randy & Mei Ling, and even two book club meetings! The lovely ladies of landscape as well as the Irish Wine Club, er, book club.
Sean & I joined Tiffani & Jason for a bowling fiesta in honor of Tiffani's birthday (Yay!),
and I had the divine luck of being in town the same time as my dear friend Rebs (who lives in D.C. but her parents live here in SF) so I got to meet her new little girl Kami.
But Love Called! And we hopped into our rental car and headed for the mountains to see our friend tie the knot. It was a beautiful weekend, a beautiful couple, and a beautiful ceremony. Next post: wedding pix and departure for Mexico!
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